Most Fascinating Attraction of Mongolia

Mongolia boasts of some of the most mesmerizing places to visit in the intact world. Is the country's economic, cultural and political center and have a number of vacationer attractions and hosts the most varied types of amusement.

Ulaanbaatar is located on the bank of the Tuul River and enclosed by four sacred mountains with dense pine forests on the northern slopes and grassy steppes on the south and mostly described, as sunny, peaceful and open.

Gandan is the biggest and most momentous monastery in Mongolia and one of Ulaanbaatar’s most interesting sights. Built in the mid 19th century, it is the only monastery where Buddhist services sustained to gathering even during the communist past.

Museum of Natural History is one of the oldest museums which were founded in 1924; today there are departments of Topography, Geology, Flora and Fauna, and Paleontology in the museum. Displays of overstuffed and embalmed animals as well as the rare Gobi bear and wild camel, birds and fish will give you a good idea about the rich fauna of Mongolia.

The Choijin Lama Temple, built in 1904-1908 is a typical example of the traditional Buddhist structural design. This was the home of Luvsan Haidav Choijin Lama, brother of Bogd Khaan and a famous lama.

Zaisan Hill attraction in front of the city offers the best views of Ulaanbaatar and the contiguous scenery. The large monuments on the top of the hill were erected for the reminiscence of soldiers died in the World War II.

A large statue of Sukhbaatar, the eminent patriot characterizes the square, and the square is named after this momentous figure. Such significant buildings as the Parliament House, Stock Exchange, the Drama Theater and Cultural Palace are situated adjoining the square.

Ayaga wetland is a stunning and rich wetland, a home for many species of animals and birds. The wetland is a magnificent complex of everything that a bird may need to live and breed.

Every autumn in early October, hundreds of Whooper Swans gather at Lakes Ayaga and Ikh-Gun of Gun-galuut Nature preserve. They squander a few days in performance and preparation their babies to fly.


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