Magnetism Places within Jordan

Jordan is truly a terrain of spectacular culture, landscape and people. This small Arab Kingdom holds surrounded by its borders sites of archeological find that rank among the most extraordinary in the world.

The unique rose red city of Petra; the wonderful remains of Jerash, one of the most magnificent of roman provincial cities, the remarkable vestiges of Umayyad palaces built deep in the desert; the incredibly scenic Wadi rum, which is permanently connected with Lawrence of Arabia.

Amman the capital is a contemporary, safe, and friendly city. No more than a five hour drive from anyplace in the country. Rabbath-Amman during primitive periods and later as Philadelphia, the prehistoric city that was once part of the Decapolis league, now boasts a population of around 1.5 million.

Aqaba is Jordan's perennial marine playground. The thriving underwater marine life and the sparkler clear waters of the Gulf of Aqaba create diving conditions there among the acknowledged best in the world.

Beida Also well-known as Little Petra; is one of the oldest sights in the Middle East that shows evidence of environment by Pre-Pottery Nealithic humans. A population indicated to having been herders experimenting with farming continuation.

Jordan's Desert Castles, beautiful examples of both early Islamic Art and Architecture, stand testimony to a fascinating time in the country's rich history.

Madaba is located in the king's highway, at a distance of 40 Km south of Amman. It is famed for its mosaics dating from the Byzantine time, many of which are situated in private homes, exposed when owners dug the foundations.

The Mujib Reserve is the lowest nature reserve in the world, with its impressive array of scenery close to the east cost of the Dead Sea.

Petra is the amazing, mesmerizing rose-red city. Admired then for its refined ethnicity, massive architecture and original complex of dams and water channels, Petra is now a UNESCO world tradition site that enchants visitors from all corners of the globe.


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