Thrilling Attractions in Uganda

Uganda is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa, with unbelievable natural scenery; half of the world's remaining mountain gorilla population is in Uganda.

It also offers world-class white water rafting at the foundation of Nile and some of the region's more peaceful national parks, where wildlife viewing doesn’t involve long waits in line following a dozen or more vehicles.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a great tourist spot in Uganda for gorilla tracking since this national park is measured to be the home of these massive apes. This is the most popular national park in Uganda and is about nine hours away from Kampala, the capital city of the countryside.

The Kasubi Tombs a world legacy site that is only ten minutes away from Kampala. Lying in the area are four royal tombs and the place is measured to be a masterpiece of the cultural tradition of the Buganda kingdom.

Uganda Museum is a great place to visit to in truth learn the rich cultural tradition of the people of Uganda. Displayed in the museum are exhibits that show the natural, ethnological, and historical information of the nation.

Ssese Islands are a group of beautiful islands numbering to 84 in all situated in the northwest portion of Lake Victoria. The islands have amazing scenic views and behavior like fishing, nature walks, and various games are available in the islands.

Uganda has a very well-built Culture Heritage. Many regions in Uganda have kingdoms as well as Buganda, Busoga, Bunyoro, Ankole, Toro, etc. Ugandan are outstanding hospitable and hails from a diversity of rich cultures and life styles each tribe has its own traditional dance.

We take our clients for exceptional experiences with Chimpanzees which is quite a strenuous hiking in the thickly forested regions of Western Uganda, however it’s well worth the exertion.


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